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Price: Rs. Rs. 595/-
Subject: Business Statistics
Grade: BBS First Year
Published Year: 2020
ISBN: 978 – 9937 – 650 – 48 – 9
Version: English
This book has thoroughly revised as per new syllabus of Bachelor of Business studies (4 years BBS program). This book covers the core syllabus of 4 years BBS program. We have become highly enthusiastic by the wide and regular response received from teachers, students and other readers about the contents of the first and second editions. We are presenting this third edition to our readers thoroughly revised correcting errors found in the first and second editions .Some important Chapters and topics such as ” Sampling and Estimation”, ” Five number Summry, Box- Whisker plot on Skewness and Kurtosis”, “Baye’s theorem on probability” and ” Decision making under risk on decision making” has been added. Some important examples, long questions, new concepts and some extra practice problems have been included in this edition. In this book, we have incorporated the feedbacks provided by our readers.