Macroeconomics for Business (BBA/BBM TU)

Macroeconomics for Business (BBA/BBM TU)

Price: Rs. 555

Author: Prashu Ram Gelal Bashu Dev Dhungel Krishna Giri

Subject: Macroeconomics for Business


Published Year: 2022

ISBN: 978 – 9937 – 730– 29 – 7

Version: English

  • Description
  • Syllabus
  • Excel files

This is our mutual attempt to write and publish the book of economics for BBA, BIM, BBM and others respective discipline. This book has been designed for students of BBA, BIM and BBM as per the curriculum of Tribhuvan University of Nepal. It is an important course for the Bachelor students of management and effectively helps in building the career of the readers in the field of economics. For those students who want to know about how the global economy works, macroeconomics is one of the more relevant and interesting subjects they can study. A deep study of macroeconomics is useful for national policy making, for understanding public policy and for knows the functioning of world economy. In comparable effort has been made to make this book more informative than others, therefore we expect that concerned students, teachers and readers will feel more comfortable and convenient. We also felt that students need to be shown how macroeconomics can help us to understand what goes on in the world economy and how it can be used as a practical tool for rational decision making. Macroeconomic provides a treatment of aggregate economic theory that stresses its relevance and application to public policy decision making. This book covers the topics as the analysis of national income, consumption, investment, monetary policy, fiscal policy, inflation, unemployment, balance of payment, trade cycle, economic growth and economic development, globalization, liberalization, privatization, foreign direct investment, exchange rate etc.