

Price: Rs. 395/-

Author: Arjun Singh Saud Roshan Bhusal

Subject: E-commerce

Grade: Bachelor (BBA/BIM/BCA/BIT/B. Sc. CSIT/B. E. Computer Engineering and B. Ed. ICT)

Published Year: 2077

ISBN: 978-9937-650-29-8

Version: English

  • Description
  • Syllabus
  • Excel files

E-Commerce book is written to address undergraduate and post graduate students with a quick introduction to the major issues and topics in electronic commerce. The primary aim of this book is to provide a clear and straightforward approach to e-commerce and its implementation. The book is designed for its use in independent study. This book is written in very student friendly language and provides the complete basic knowledge of e-commerce. This book is fruitful for its reader as a course text with the most useful information possible in an e-commerce course and for real life in e-business purpose.